AQS News

New – AB Manager AMS

AB Manager - web is a powerful and easy-to-use accreditation management system. This application supports national (TNI) and international (ISO) accreditation methods and standards. AB Manager helps simplify and coordinate the complicated accreditation process for an unlimited number of laboratories and multiple AB users. For each laboratory, AB Manager tracks accreditation status for requested analytical [...]

New – AB Manager AMS2024-02-02T19:45:36+00:00

AQS Software Development

AQS develops and implements software and database applications used to manage business, quality, environmental and safety compliance. We leverage the latest web and mobile technologies to help you improve your process and bottom line. AQS software applications are backed with excellent technical support and customer service. AQS's commercial and custom software applications include Lab [...]

AQS Software Development2023-06-16T21:49:40+00:00

Investing in Laboratory Data

Laboratory testing can be the most expensive part of an environmental project. Ensuring data quality is relatively easy and protects this significant investment of time (planning, sampling, processing) and money (laboratory testing). Plan Ahead It’s been said to always “begin with the end in mind.” For environmental projects this is usually in the form of [...]

Investing in Laboratory Data2023-06-16T21:57:27+00:00

LabDirector QMS

Lab Director is an innovative and powerful application for tracking and maintaining your organization’s ongoing quality, environmental, health, safety, laboratory and other compliance requirements. LabDirector makes it easy to stay on top of one time and recurring requirements. Never miss another deadline – you’ll be better prepared than ever for your next audit or inspection. [...]

LabDirector QMS2023-06-18T15:02:07+00:00

Laboratory Data Usability

For many, an environmental laboratory is a black box - samples go in, and numbers come out. But there are some basic questions that each data user should ask. Is My Sample Representative of the Site? Did the Laboratory Use a Representative Sub-Sample? Is the Data Subject to Any Errors or Bias? Obtaining reliable environmental analytical [...]

Laboratory Data Usability2023-06-18T14:40:05+00:00

DoD Environmental Support

AQS has experience providing cost-effective environmental management support for various US Department of Defense (DoD) facilities and installations. Our expertise includes environmental compliance, environmental restoration, environmental sampling and other related services. Working with local, state and federal regulations and regulators, we are highly effective at providing workable solutions to our customers' complex and unique compliance [...]

DoD Environmental Support2023-06-18T14:34:20+00:00

AQS Haz Waste Tracker

AQS has developed and implemented a customized hazardous waste tracking system for use at US Army Dugway Proving Ground and other facilities. The software allows users to easily track hazardous waste from cradle to grave – down to individual storage areas and containers. HW-Manager allows our customer to safely and efficiently accumulate, transport and [...]

AQS Haz Waste Tracker2023-06-18T14:37:33+00:00

Environmental Risk Assessments

Environmental risk assessment is the process used by EPA and many other regulatory agencies to characterize the nature and magnitude of health risks to humans (e.g., residents, workers, recreational visitors) and ecological receptors (e.g., birds, mammals, fish, plants) from chemical contaminants that may be present in the environment at a site. This information is [...]

Environmental Risk Assessments2023-06-18T15:11:45+00:00

Data Manager Web App

AQS Data Manager is a web-based application designed to help you easily import, review and evaluate laboratory and process data. Data Manager allows users to import data from the field or lab, check for outliers, view trends and export data. Using Data Manager, laboratory data is imported directly from the lab using any number [...]

Data Manager Web App2023-06-18T15:13:05+00:00

Environmental Consulting

AQS has been providing high quality environmental consulting services since 1995. We are committed to doing things right, on time, and within budget. The key to our business is an excellent technical and administrative staff. Our management, employees, and teaming partners are highly trained in the fields of environmental science, chemistry, biology, geology, hydrology, [...]

Environmental Consulting2024-05-09T19:37:37+00:00
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