PT Evaluation

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PT Evaluation

AB Manager helps to evaluate proficiency test (PT) samples for continued accreditation according to the following TNI standards:

V1M1 4.1.1

TNI publishes lists of FoPTs on the TNI website for which PT studies are required, called TNI FoPT Tables. These FoPT tables may be updated, as needed, by publishing revised FoPT tables on the TNI website.

V1M1 5.2 Continued Accreditation

5.2.1 Chemical Testing, Radiochemical Testing, Asbestos, and Microbiology The laboratory shall maintain a history of two (2) successful (acceptable scores) PT studies out of the most recent three (3) attempts for each field of accreditation specified in Section 4.1.1 for which the laboratory holds accreditation. Failure to do so may result in suspension of the affected field of accreditation. The laboratory’s accreditation for a field of accreditation may be revoked for failure of three (3) consecutive PT studies, either by failure to participate in the required PT study or due to failure to obtain acceptable results. The laboratory shall analyze and report a PT study at least twice per year for each accreditation FoPT for which it seeks to maintain accreditation, in accordance with the following criteria:
a) The closing dates of subsequent PT study samples for a particular accreditation FoPT shall be no more than seven (7) months apart.
b) The opening date of PT study samples for a particular field of accreditation must be at least seven (7) calendar days after the closing date of a PT study for the same field of accreditation.
c) A laboratory that analyzes and reports PT study results with an opening date of subsequent PT studies for the same field of accreditation that are closer than seven (7) days from the closing date of the previous PT study are invalid for the purposes of compliance with this Standard and are not counted toward the laboratory’s PT history of the most recent three (3) attempts.

5.2.2 For WET testing: To maintain accreditation, the laboratory shall participate in one (1) WET PT study per calendar year for each accreditation FoPT that correspond to the fields of accreditation for which the laboratory is accredited.
a) This requirement can be met by annual participation in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Discharge Monitoring Report-Quality Assurance (DMRQA) studies for WET, or
b) If the laboratory is not participating in an EPA DMRQA study for WET, the closing dates of subsequent PT study samples for WET testing PT studies must be no more than fourteen (14) months apart.

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